JOEST can do Award Ceremony

10. November 2022 Dülmen, Germany JOEST
Can Do Award improvements

The JOEST Can Do Award was presented for the first time in November 2022.

Based on the original company suggestion scheme‭, ‬the JOEST Can Do Award was introduced for all JOEST employees‭. ‬

JOEST has had a company suggestion scheme for many years‭. ‬Somewhat outdated and hardly used‭, ‬this has now been replaced by the JOEST Can Do Award‭. ‬The award enables employees to actively shape the success of the company and to be recognized accordingly‭. ‬The entire workforce has the opportunity to nominate colleagues or entire teams for the award‭. ‬In particular‭, ‬we consider implemented improvements and/or outstanding achievements of individual employees or teams‭.‬
Places 1‭ ‬to 3‭ ‬will be selected by the Can Do Award committee‭. ‬This consists of independent employees from various departments and is reassembled after two years‭. ‬

In November‭, ‬the time had come‭: ‬The first Can Do Award winners were announced at the works meeting‭. ‬From numerous nominations‭, ‬a project team was chosen in‭ ‬third place‭.‬‭ ‬The cross‭-‬divisional and goal-oriented cooperation
of almost all business areas at JOEST was thus rewarded‭. ‬Project manager Dominik Radsak gratefully accepted the voucher for a joint breakfast of the entire team‭.‬

Second place‭ ‬went to Dirk Hoffmann‭, ‬who not only works for JOEST in the field of logistics‭, ‬but also as a Red Cross leader at the German Red‭ ‬Cross in Buldern‭. ‬His outstanding commitment and selfless help during the pandemic for the entire JOEST workforce was rewarded with a cheque worth‭ ‬€‭ ‬300.00‭.

The‭ ‬winner‭ ‬Rainer Kersting impressed with his special welding device for spiral blanks‭, ‬which not only results in high welding quality‭, ‬but also enormous time savings‭. ‬During a weekend for two in the beautiful Sauerland‭, ‬Mr‭. ‬Kersting can relax and enjoy his victory‭.‬

Congratulations to all winners‭!‬



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